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Can You Use Espresso Beans For Coffee?

Espresso can be made into many wonderful things. Can you use espresso beans for coffee?

Being the tiny versatile bean that it is, questions abound regarding what it can do and what we can create from it.

An espresso shot and a regular cup of coffee are two different species. Please do not be confused they are actually two sides of the same coin.

There are many things you need to take note of when learning about espresso. The first thing you need to find out is the difference between regular coffee and espresso. This will come in handy when you learn more about the many wonders of espresso and how to make it in different ways.


What is the difference between Coffee and Espresso?

If you order an espresso from your favorite coffee shop and the barista gives you black coffee instead, just imagine the disappointment.

True, both are derived from the same coffee beans. However, there is a huge difference between its preparation methods. The type of bean is also of utmost importance in achieving the right taste.

What sets the two apart is the preparation. Brewing coffee takes time. The slow filtering of hot water through the coffee grounds makes the whole process tedious.

On the other hand, Espresso machines pressurize boiling water through finely ground coffee beans in a matter of thirty seconds.

Generally, the preparation brings out different flavors of regular coffee and espresso. The second denominator in making an awesome coffee is the right beans. So choose wisely.

Can You Use Espresso Beans For Coffee?

The question prevails: Can you use espresso beans for coffee? The answer is yes. Technically, any coffee bean will do. But for the truly great demitasse, the best choice is espresso beans. This is usually made through pour over coffee.

Coffee beans meant for espresso are roasted for a longer time compared to those meant for drip coffee.

In making this, espresso beans are ground into the finest powder, like sand rather than gravel. Labeling the beans as drip or espresso pertains to the roaster’s recommendation for bringing out a specific flavor.

One of the best ways to make coffee out of espresso beans is through the pour over method.

How to Make Pour Over Coffee

There are really no standardized nor fixed ways of making pour over coffee. Coffee lovers tend to do it in a different way. However, there are basic steps you can follow in brewing pour over coffee.

  • Gathering your Equipment – get all the needed equipment including a pour over coffee maker, coffee grinder, kitchen scale, a carafe, cup, or tumbler, and an electric or stove-top kettle.
  • Choosing your Beans – this step is entirely up to you. You can even consult a barista or look for a shop that appeals to your coffee taste.
  • Weighing the Coffee – you need to limit how much coffee you use by considering the water to coffee ratio. Most barristers recommend 18 grams of water for every gram of coffee.
  • Grinding your Selected Coffee Beans – grinding your beans right before brewing gives you the upper hand over the flavor. For pour over coffee, a medium-fine to medium-coarse grind almost the texture of sea salt or sand is the most appropriate. 
  • Preparing your Filter – for pour overs, most people use paper filters. These may come in different fineness. Hence you need to find the right size.
  • Heating your Water – heat your water between 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit. If you do not have a thermometer to measure the exact temperature, simply let the water boil, remove it from heat, and give it 30 seconds before using it in your brew.
  • Blooming the Grounds – once you have everything ready, it is now time to bloom. Here, you simply wet the coffee grounds evenly with water to saturate.
  • Pouring the Water – you will begin this step around 30 seconds after blooming. Use your goose-neck kettle to pour water slowly in a circular motion, while keeping the spout close to the grounds. 

With everything ready, you can now sample your brew to find out if it suits your taste. Do the tasting before adjusting anything. That way, you’ll exactly what ratios you need in the future.

How to Choose the Right Beans

In choosing the right beans for your coffee, there are some factors that you need to consider. Choosing the right beans is an indispensable part of making an amazing cup of coffee.

The resulting espresso coffee consists of three parts:

  • Freshness of the Beans – coffee is a fruit. It is a carefully grown processed agricultural product. That means that freshness should always be a factor in choosing your beans.
  • Roast Profile – you can choose between espresso roast and filter roast. It would not be so difficult to choose assuming you already have a specific brewing method in mind.
  • Origin Selection – growing conditions of the beans vary among different countries. You have to narrow down the options by knowing which flavor you would prefer. Would it be the ones with fruity aroma? Or the complex-tasting ones?
  • Processing – selecting a coffee should also come with your decision on which processing method you prefer. It is worth noting that the method will definitely determine the taste of your coffee.

The Bottom Line

With all these tips and knowledge in hand, you are now ready to brew a perfect cup of coffee for yourself, your family, and your friends.

Note that there are many things to consider in doing so. For deeper insights, you can definitely delve into the world of brewing coffee by doing some research.

You can also invest in a trusted coffee maker brand and get one for yourself.

Can you use espresso beans for coffee? Yes, you can. In fact, you can use various kinds of coffee beans. This is the reason why research is important, largely because different kinds of coffee beans are brewed in various ways.

You may do some experimentation but it is also advisable to listen to the pros. No matter what, always remember that the point of making coffee is to enjoy it.