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Can You Make Espresso With Regular Coffee Beans?

Can you make espresso with regular coffee beans? Well, the short answer is ‘yes,’ but there are some caveats you’ll need to know.

We’ll flesh these out for you in the following sections.


Answering a Common Question

Espresso shots keep us energized throughout the day.

Making espresso is very convenient today because of the advanced machines that are readily available in the market.

But many people are curious as to one specific question, how can you make espresso with regular coffee beans?

It’s certainly a reasonable question. That is why I urge you to read this article as we will be sharing some facts that might interest you.

Regular Coffee Beans vs. Espresso Beans

Basically, regular coffee beans are the first variant of coffee beans that were grown on farms.

During our forefather’s generation, they did not have the refinement of cultivating like what we have today. These regular coffee beans had a very weak flavor profile that barely registered on the palate.

On the other hand, espresso beans are refined beans cultivated specifically for making espresso.

These beans have intense flavor profiles and create a thick texture that lingers on your tongue. Most of the cafes prefer these beans in pulling an espresso shot.

So what is the difference between the two? Well, nothing! It’s only the roasting and brewing methods that distinguish the beans from one another.

The Distinct Brewing Processes

The factors that affect the taste of coffee are often related to the method by which it’s prepared. Brewed coffee and espresso represent two distinct ways of making coffee.

These different preparation methods go a long way toward determining the quality and flavor of the coffee.

Many people consider espresso as different because of its taste and texture. However, it’s actually during the roasting and preparation methods that the difference actually arises.

Reasons Why Most Café’s Prefer Espresso Beans

Most of the cafés use espresso beans in pulling espresso shots. They have their reasons as to why they are doing that. Some of these reasons fall into these three main categories.


As to traditions, most people use espresso beans.

The taste of espresso beans had been registered unto their tongues. Espresso has always been roasted darker.

And some people expect that regular coffee beans can’t achieve their desired rich flavor.

Better with Milk

Dark roast is perfect for lattes and cappuccinos. You can use the espresso in milk-based drinks anytime.

Lower Prices

Obviously, price is always an important factor. Regular coffee beans are quite expensive compared to espresso beans.

Specific Machine For Making Espresso

In pulling a perfect shot of espresso, the machine that you will be using is really a great factor.

It will determine the taste and the flavor of the coffee you are making. There are many espresso machines that are available in the market.

You can use either a regular coffee bean or an espresso bean in any of the available espresso machines.

In the following sections, we’ll help you to answer your question, can you make espresso with regular beans? Here are the things you need to know:

  • The process of regular coffee beans compared to espresso coffee
  • Factors to be considered
  • The procedure

Factors to be considered

In every ounce of water, approximately one tablespoon of grounds should be used. The ratio is critical.

Over-pulling and under-pulling the espresso shot is possible if it was mixed with too little or too much water.

In short, the proper ratio is a must for a better experience. Here are some additional requirements:

  • In every single shot, there must only be 1-2 tablespoons of ground.
  • The standard shot of espresso is 1-2 oz

Can You Make Espresso with Regular Coffee Beans: The Procedure

Here are the steps to follow to have an espresso with regular coffee beans:

  1. Under the portafilter, the glass should be pre-heat before used. The portafilter is the place that served the pre-heated beverage glass.
  2. In the grinder, beans will begin to grind after doing number 1. Grinding the proper type of coffee is essential. This time, to make an espresso- the ground beans will immediately be prepared for the next step.
  3. The portafilter should immediately remove. Make sure to have old grounds into a tamp box. Make the basket dry and wipe it with a clean cloth.
  4. The grinding coffee process is enough for the dose of coffee to fill in the basket and temporarily stop the grinder.
  5. Make sure to level the grounds in the basket. You have to pull those forward, push them to the opposite side until the whole basket is filled with regular volume and the same volume.
  6. Press down the 5 pounds of pressure. Press the portafilter with the back of the tamper and make sure to press down with 30 pounds of pressure. The polishing of the surface must be done by turning 720° while pressing with about 20 pounds of pressure.
  7. The water should flow through the group head; the 2 ounces of water should flow on it.
  8. Turn on the pump as you place the portafilter in the group head.
  9. As the espresso begins to flow, timing should start at once. Proper timing is essential for high-quality espresso.
  10. After reaching about 1.5 ounces brewed, the sign when to stop it is when it begins to turn slightly lighter in color.

The Upshot

There you have it. The question “can you make espresso with regular coffee beans” is closed with a factual answer.

This means that you can pull a perfect espresso shot with any of these two coffee beans that are available.

So there’s no need to worry when you run out of true espresso beans– just grind properly and work with what you have.